Over the past ~50 years, the Feshie has been the site of numerous studies which have examined the geomorphology, and ecology of this site, with broader implications for the behavior of braided streams and the habitat found there. There is an exhaustive list of research articles available for more information on the Feshie. We have provided a bibliography (PDF format) that contains the studies we are aware of which have been conducted on the Feshie. In this bibliography, articles written by members of our research team are denoted in bold.
We have also produced two posters that document ongoing research on the Feshie, and the methods we have employed:
- A good deal of our work involves repeat topographic surveying, or capturing the form of the landscape across several years. These datasets enable us to understand how the river is changing each year, and whether or not the specific mechanisms of chance might be related to the amount and magnitude of floods during a given year. We survey the landscape using a variety of techniques, but perhaps the most prominent of these is Terrestrial Laser Scanning, which uses a reflected laser beam to measure the elevation of the land surface. We have produced a poster detailing the method and resulting data from our TLS surveys.
- In 2013, our research group published an article summarizing our findings from five years of annual topographic surveys on the study reach. In this article, we developed methods for separating the complex ways, or 'mechanisms,' by which multi-thread rivers like the Feshie shift their channel form. The study provided one of the first examinations of the influence of year-to-year flood dynamics on braided river dynamics, while also exploiting an extremely high-resolution dataset provided by TLS surveys. A poster summarizing the results of this study, which also received a research spotlight in the American Geophysical Union's EOS Journal, is provided here.
Our research group has produced several articles that relate to the geomorphology, hydrology, and development of methodologies for understanding the fluvial environment. These include:
- Brasington J, Rumsby BT, McVey RA. 2000. Monitoring and modelling morphological change in a braided gravel-bed river using high resolution GPS-based survey. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25: 973-990. DOI: 10.1002/1096-9837(200008)25:9<973::AID-ESP111>3.0.CO;2-Y
- Brasington J, Langham, Rumsby. 2003. Methodological sensitivity of morphometric estimates of coarse fluvial sediment transport. Geomorphology 53: 299-316. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0169-555X(02)00320-3
- Brasington J, Wheaton JM, Vericat D, Hodge R. 2007. Modelling braided river morphodynamics with terrestrial laser scanning. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
- Brewer PA, Vericat D, Bass J, Jago CJ, Brasington J, Wheaton JM, and Causer F. 2007. Suspended and bedload dynamics in a tidally influenced river: the river Dyfi, Wales, UK. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
- Cox C, Brasington J, Williams RD. 2004. Empirical and Experimental Validation of Channel Dynamics Models. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
- Brasington J, Vericat D, Wheaton JM, Rychkov R, Hodge R. 2008. Reach-scale retrieval of alluvial bed roughness. Geophysical Research Abstracts (EGU General Assembly). EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- Rumsby B, McVey R, Brasington J. 2001. 16. The Potential for high resolution fluvial archives in braided rivers: quantifying historic reach-scale channel and floodplain development in the River Feshie, Scotland. Pages 445-467 in Maddy D, Macklin MG, Woodard JC., editors. River Basin Sediment Systems: Archives of Environmental Change. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Steenwijik, The Netherlands.
- Vericat D, Brasington J, Wheaton JM, Hodge R. 2007. Reach-Scale Retrieval of Alluvial Bed Roughness. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
- Vericat D, Brasington J, Wheaton J, Williams R, Rychkov, I. 2013. Monitoring channel change in gravel bed rivers: hyperscale surface modeling by means of terrestrial laser scanning. Xii Reunion Nacional de Geomorphologia. 465 – 468. Link to PDF.
- Wheaton JM, Brasington J, Brewer PA, Darby SE, Pasternack GB, Sear D, Vericat D, Williams RD. 2007. Improved Fluvial Geomorphic Interpretation from DEM Differencing. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union
- Wheaton JM, Brasington J, Darby S, Sear D, Vericat D. 2008. Beyond the gross reach-scale sediment budget – using repeat topographic surveys for mechanistic geomorphic interpretation. British Society for Geomorphology Annual Meeting, Exeter, UK.
- Wheaton JM, Brasington J, Darby SE, Sear DA. 2010. Accounting for uncertainty in DEMs from repeat topographic surveys: improved sediment budgets. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35:136-156. DOI: 10.1002/esp.1886
- Wheaton JM, Brasington J, Darby SE, Kasprak A, Sear D, Vericat D. 2013. Morphodynamic signatures of braiding mechanisms as expressed through change in sediment storage in a gravel-bed river. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. DOI: 10.1002/jgrf.20060