project overview
purpose of project
Welcome to the CHaMP Transformation Tool (CTT) website. The CTT was developed to support the post-processing workflow for topographic and habitat surveys in the Columbia Habiat Monitoring Program (CHaMP). The tool is an ArcGIS Add-In and when added shows up as a toolbar:
The Ecogemorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab (ET-AL) and the RSGIS Laboratory developed this ArcGIS Add-in for the transformation and projection of CHaMP field survey data (Bouwes et al. 2011) into real world coordinates given hand-held GPS coordinates from just three benchmarks. The CTT will work with any unprojected data in a file geodatabase, and gives you multiple ways to do an afine transformation based on a simple shift and rotation. Although other transformation tools exist in ArcGIS, there is not a simple sequence of geoprocessing tools, which allow you to transform vector data in a manner that preserves the high relative accuracy of a total station survey. See Wheaton et al. (2012) and the ReadMe page for more background.
related links & research
project outputs
Publications from this Project
- Bouwes N, Moberg J, Weber N, Bouwes B, Bennett S, Beasley C, Jordan CE, Nelle P, Polino S, Rentmeester S, Semmens B, Volk C, Ward MB and White J. 2011. Scientific Protocol for Salmonid Habitat Survyes within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program, Prepared by the Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program and published by Terraqua, Inc., Wauconda, WA, 118 pp.
- Wheaton JM, Garrard C, Volk C, Whitehead K and Bouwes N. 2012. A Simple, Interactive GIS Tool for Transforming Assumed Total Station Surveys to Real World Coordinates - The CHaMP Transformation Tool. Submitted to Computers & Geosciences.42: 28-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.02.003.
project details
Project PI: Joseph Wheaton
Project Personnel from ET-AL: Chris Garrard (RSGIS Lab)
Project Collaborators: Carol Volk & Kelly Whitehead (South Fork Research)
Funding Source: Bonneville Power Authority (BPA Projects: 2003-017-00; 2011-006-00)
Project Start Date: January, 2011
Project End Date (anticipated): June, 201
Project Personnel from ET-AL: Chris Garrard (RSGIS Lab)
Project Collaborators: Carol Volk & Kelly Whitehead (South Fork Research)
Funding Source: Bonneville Power Authority (BPA Projects: 2003-017-00; 2011-006-00)
Project Start Date: January, 2011
Project End Date (anticipated): June, 201