river classification schemes
- Straight, meandering, braided (Leopold and Wolman, )
- Fluvial Audit ~ (Sear et al., 2003)
- IFIM/PHABIM (Bovee, 1982)
- Montgomery and Buffington Mountain Channel Classification (Montgomery and Buffington, 1997)
- River Channel Typology (Newson, Clark, Sear and Brookes, 1998)
- River Habitat Survey (Raven et al., 1997)
- River Styles (Brierley and Fryirs, 2000)
- Rosgen Classification of Natural Rivers System (Rosgen, 1996)
- Strahler Stream Order (Strahler, 1957)
River Styles Hierarchy
River Styles Figure. Example of a catchment-framed nested hierarchy of spatial scales and associated functions (The River Styles Framework). Salmonid functions shown in italics. Redrawn adaptation of figure in Brierley & Fryirs (2005), from Wheaton (2008).
- 2005. Brierley, G and Fryirs, K. Geomorphology and River Management: Applications of the River Styles Framework. Blackwell Publishing, Victoria, Australia, 398 pp.
- 2008 (submitted) Wheaton, JM. Uncertainty in Morphological Sediment Budgeting of Rivers. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Southampton, Southampton.