Job Title: GIS Technician
Primary Affiliation: Department of Natural Resources Secondary Affiliation: Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab education2020 Bachalor of Science in Geography, emphasis in GIS
Study interestsI want to use GIS in strategic defense and deterrence. Alternately, I want to apply it to smaller, less developed countries when it comes to city planning for sanitation or aiding in agricultural yield.
Dylan Baum will graduate in December 2020. During his studies, he worked as a technician for the GIS/RS lab and ET-AL lab at Utah State University. After graduation, he anticipates volunteering with HELP International in Greece at a refugee camp, world situation permitting.
- Valley Bottom Delineation
- Running RCAT on Central Utah watersheds - BLM
- Running RCAT on the Yampa watersheds in Colorado