Job Title: Senior GIS Technician
Primary Affiliation: College of Natural Resources Secondary Affiliation: Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab educationUtah State University (2021)
Bachelor of Science in Forest Ecology Management Minor in GIS Study interestsGenerally:
Cashe graduated from Utah State University in May 2021. During his studies, he had the opportunity to work as a field and lab technician on various projects where he gained valuable experience ranging from post-fire regeneration monitoring to riparian restoration and assessment. In 2018 he worked as a GIS analyst for the Utah Forest Institute where he helped develop a historic fire atlas for the state of Utah. Since 2019 he has worked as a GIS technician here at the Ecogeomorphology and Topographic Analysis Lab (ET-AL) where he applies his current understanding as well as continues to learn valuable skills in geoprocessing, remote sensing and field based techniques. When he's not in the lab, you can likely find him backcountry skiing, floating down a river or laying out on a warm rock.