If you are a student in one of my classes or a researcher using GIS, I can provide you with a One-Year Student License of ArcInfo and all the ArcGIS Desktop extensions. Only students, faculty and staff of Utah State University may use the software for teaching and research purposes only. To get one:
You'll have a fully functioning version for a year. When the license expires, you do not need to uninstall the software. You can instead simply register with a new license.
If you accidentally do not install the extensions, you can always modify the installation later to add them by inserting the disc. If you want to uninstall the software, make sure you uninstall any add-ons to ArcGIS before uninstalling ArcGIS.
- I can provide you with an EVA number, or you can request one yourself at http://www.esri.com/EducationEdition
- Go to http://www.esri.com/EducationEdition to activate your authorization number. Follow the instructions.
- When you install the software, you will be prompted to enter in the authorization number (make sure you install all the extensions)
You'll have a fully functioning version for a year. When the license expires, you do not need to uninstall the software. You can instead simply register with a new license.
If you accidentally do not install the extensions, you can always modify the installation later to add them by inserting the disc. If you want to uninstall the software, make sure you uninstall any add-ons to ArcGIS before uninstalling ArcGIS.