WHaT DID HE DO HERE?ETAL Job Title: Geospatial Programmer/Analyst
Primary USU Affiliation: Department of Watershed Sciences Secondary USU Affiliation: Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab Employed in ETAL: 2013 -2016 Prior to That: James Hensleigh was a Masters Student with Joe Wheaton (graduated 2014) |
James Hensleigh is now a Geographer for the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center at the Southwest Biological Science Center. James earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies from University of Utah in 2008. James then spent one year from 2010 to 2011 studying Geo-ecosystem Dynamics at Universiteit van Amsterdam while also working as a Research Assistant and GIS Analyst for the Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit. In 2014 James completed his master's thesis "Geomorphic Change Detection using Multi-Beam SONAR" while obtaining a Master Of Science at Utah State University. The core of his thesis work is a synthesis of GIS and statistical analysis to develop an effective error model to quantify uncertainty involved in multi-beam SONAR surveys. From 2013 to 2016 James worked as a Geospatial Programmer/Analyst for the Ecogoemorphology & Topography Lab (ET-AL) at Utah State University. During that time his main focuses were programming for Geomorphic Change Detection software, CHaMP Topo Toolbar, and refining models of surface roughness for data obtained with multi-beam SONAR.
- Roughness modeling of surveyed topographic data
- Algorithm development for processing and statistical analysis of large point clouds
- Multi-beam echo sounder surveying
- Error modeling in GIS
- Geomorphic change detection
scholarly contributions
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Bangen, S., Hensleigh, J., McHugh, P. & Wheaton, J. (2016), Error modeling of DEMs from topographic surveys of rivers using fuzzy inference systems. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1002/2015WR018299.
- Kasprak, A., J. M. Wheaton, P. E. Ashmore, J. W. Hensleigh, and S. Peirce (2015), The relationship between particle travel distance and channel morphology: Results from physical models of braided rivers, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JF003310.
- Hensleigh J., Wheaton JM, Bailey P., & Welcker C. Techniques for Robustly Developing Spatially Variable Uncertainty Models for Digital Elevation Models Using Fuzzy Inference Systems. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2014 - Paper Session Advances and Challenges in Digital Elevation Models I (Overview); April 8, 2014; Tampa, FL.
- Welcker CW., Hensleigh J., Wheaton JM., Anderson K., Butler M., & Hocker B. Bathymetry Differencing to Quantify Volumetric Change within the Snake River in Hells Canyon. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2013; San Francisco, CA.
- Hensleigh J. Addressing Uncertainty in Geomorphic Change Detection of Multi-Beam SONAR Surveys. ESRI Southwest User Conference - Engineering & Surveying Session; November 13, 2013; Salt Lake City, UT.
- Wheaton JM., Hensleigh J., Glenn N., Bailey P., & Welcker C. Advances in Geomorphic Change Detection: Promise and Pitfalls of Working with Big Point Clouds. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting; October 30, 2013; Denver, CO.
- Hensleigh J. (Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab ET-AL). Addressing Error in Geomorphic Change Detection of Multi-Beam SONAR Surveys. ESRI User Conference - Visualize and Explore Collections of Imagery; July 9, 2013; San Diego, CA.
- Hensleigh J. (Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab ET-AL). Geomorphic Change Detection Using Multi-Beam SONAR. Poster presented at: Spring Runoff Conference; 2013 April 9 - 10; Logan, UT.** Winner Outstanding Student Poster**
- Hensleigh J. & Wheaton J.M. 2014. Substrate Mapping of the Snake River in Hells Canyon River River Mile 216 to 217. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT.
- Hensleigh J. & Wheaton JM. 2014. Initial Substrate Mapping of Hells Canyon Complex With MBES Data. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT.
- Wheaton JM & Hensleigh J. 2013. Guidelines for Bathymetric Surface Differencing with Multi-Beam SONAR. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT.
- Leary RJ, Hensleigh JW, Wheaton JM, & Demeurichy KD. 2012. Recommended Geomorphic Change Detection Procedures for Repeat TLS Surveys from Hells Canyon, ID. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT, 144 pp.