Job Title: Alumni
scholarly outputs |
- Riparian and wetland ecology and restoration
- Beaver-hydrology-geomorphology-vegetation interactions
- Applied plant community ecology
- Ecological restoration theory, design, and assessment
- Natural resource planning under the National Environmental Policy, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts
Nate is a broadly trained riparian and restoration ecologist interested in riparian plant community responses to environmental variability and natural and anthropogenic disturbance. He is interested in assessing and using the relationships between hydrology, geomorphology, herbivory, and vegetation to design stream and wetland restoration schemes across western North America. Specifically, Nate is working to identify opportunities for the use of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) in restoring semi-arid streams of the American West. He is also broadly interested in ecoinformatics and how ecologists and natural resource managers can synthesize existing data to assess ecosystem integrity and future trajectories in response to global change.
- Restoring stream and riparian habitats in Mahogany and Basin Creeks (UT) using beaver reintroduction and beaver dam analogs
- Synthesizing the environmental drivers of large wood at CHaMP-monitored wadeable streams (OR, WA, ID)
- Hydrology, geomorphology and riparian forest dynamics at beaver influenced headwater streams (UT, ID, WY)
- Plant functional guilds across riparia of the Pacific Northwest (OR, WA, ID, MT - PIBO)
- Stream classification comparison within the John Day Basin, (OR - CHaMP)
- Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program
- USDA Forest Service PIBO Effectiveness Monitoring riparian vegetation classification (Columbia Basin, USA)
- Long term vegetation change in response to grazing and beaver at Spawn Creek (UT)
- Long-term vegetation dynamics in a novel forest ecosystem, North Cascades National Park (WA)
scholarly contributions
Peer Reviewed Publications
PDFs of the below research are available at Nate's Researchgate.
Conference Papers, Presentations & Posters