Online Report and Publication Distribution Points
INDIVIDUALSThese are all folks who have PDFs of many of their publications available on their personal websites.
- River Landscapes Publications ~ From Australia's River Landscapes Group
- British Columbia Ministry of Forests Publications
- Watershed Science Centre ~ Trent University, Ontario, Canada
- Fraser River Gravel Reach Studies ~ University of British Columbia
- Background Papers by Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
- Environment Agency Report Dissemination Center
- Center for Ecology and Hydrology
- HR Wallingford
- GESource- GEsource is the geography and environment hub of the Resource Discovery Network (good general resource)
- National Council for Science and the Environment ~ Congressional Research Service Reports
- National Marine Fisheries Service Scientific Publication Office
- U.S. Forest Service Redwood Sciences Laboratory- Watershed Publications
- U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
- USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program Reports
INDIVIDUALSThese are all folks who have PDFs of many of their publications available on their personal websites.
Free Peer-Reviewed Journals, Articles and Chapters
Ecohydraulics and Ecology
- Advances in Geosciences
- The Virtual Luna Leopold Project ~ Most of Luna Leoplod's publications from 1937 to his recent passing in 2006. He will be missed and his work remains some of the most prominent in geomorphology.
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)
- "Bedload Surrogate Monitoring Technologies" from the 2007 BRIC (Bedload Research Int'l Coop.) international workshop is available at no charge online as USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5091 at: with the 26 peer-reviewed papers at:
General Science
Conservation, Environmental Management & Restoration Science
- Ecology & Society's Special Issue on Restoring Riverine Landscapes
- Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
- San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science
- The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies (TES)
- Urban Habitats
- Robert Lackey's Recent Publications (always worth reading)
Science, Society & Policy
- Ecology and Society (Formerly Conservation Ecology)
- Electronic Green Journal
- Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics
free conference proceedings
Check for upcoming conferences at our Conference and Meeting Calendar
Ecohydraulics and Ecology
Geomorphology, Geography and Hydrology
Ecohydraulics and Ecology
- IFIM Workshop Presentations and Abstracts~ Hosted by USGS on June 1-5, 2003 at Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado
Geomorphology, Geography and Hydrology
- The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology: Proceedings of the 27th Binghamton Symposium in Geomorphology
Geomorphology, Geography and Hydrology
- The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology (1996)- An excellent volume edited by Bruce L. Rhoads and Colin E. Thorn.
- Evans IS, Dikau R, Tokunaga E, Ohmori H and Hirano M (Eds). 2003. Concepts and Modelling in Geomorphology: International Perspectives. TerraPub: Tokoyo, Japan, 254 pp.
- Bob Anderson's "The Little Book of Geomorphology"
- 1D Sediment Transport Morphodynamics with applications to Rivers and Turbidity Currents - Gary Paker's E-Book
- Goals and Conditions for a Sustainable World (Carins, 2002)
- Eco-Ethics and Sustainability Ethics (Carins, 2003)
- Ecosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for Assessment ()