I want all of you to make the switch to backups and synchrnoization with our new http://etal.egnyte.com cloud server by no later than mid-January. We will cover this in our first lab group meeting for the semester. In the meantime, I will send you each Egnyte invites, and please familiarize yourself with these pages, and complete the 1. Setting Up Egnyte. Originally posted Dec 29, 2012, 9:04 PM by Joe Wheaton
For those of you playing with RBT, check out links below from Philip: RBT Input Builder This is a new, standalone tool for building the input file that is used to run the RBT. I strongly recommend using it to create the input files, and then hand editing them to tweak any minor details. It includes the default RBT change detection settings. Here is a video tutorial on how to use this tool. The Latest Command Line RBT We are up to RBT version 2.34.1. There will be a new version later next week, but no harm in grabbing this version in case I'm delayed. RBT Batch Processor I don't have this packaged up yet.... But I've created an Access database for listing RBT runs. I've also written a small software tool that reads this database and runs all the "queued" runs. I use it for triggering dozens of test runs overnight. Might be handy for you... CHaMP GDB Loader Simple little tool for throwing the contents of a CHaMP file database into a new ArcMap document. It doesn't do any symbology (yet)... but at least it cuts down all the painful folder browsing. Video tutorial. RBT Result Scavenger I'm part way through finishing a little app that trawls the file system and finds RBT result XML files. It then consume the contents of these files and puts them into a single Access database. (Kind of goes hand in hand with the batch processor). Originally posted Dec 14, 2012, 6:04 PM by Joe Wheaton
Originally posted Aug 5, 2012, 7:40 PM by Joe Wheaton
The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, 8 August. Submit your abstract today! Need your Abstract ID? Log into AGU and confirm your Abstract ID under the "My Information" tab. Some relevant sessions to consider submitting an abstract to include: EP004Advances in Numerical Modeling of River Fluxes Under Changing Environmental ConditionsEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Global Environmental Change (GC), Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH) EP006Beyond Grain Size: Controls on Sediment TransportEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Hydrology, Ocean Sciences (OS) EP007Biophysical Interactions in Riverine LandscapesEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology EP009Climate Change and Landscape ResponseEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Atmospheric Sciences (AS), Biogeosciences (B), Global Environmental Change (GC), Hydrology, Ocean Sciences (OS), Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (PP) EP013Do Characteristic Landscape Features Correspond to a Unique Process?Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology, Near Surface Geophysics (NS), Ocean Sciences (OS), Planetary Sciences (P) EP014Ecogeomorphology: Footprints on a LandscapeEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B) EP015Granularity in GeomorphologyEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH), Nonlinear Geophysics (NG), Planetary Sciences (P) EP016Human Influences on Hydro-eco-geomorphic Processes across Spatial Scales in Forested LandscapesEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH), Near Surface Geophysics (NS) EP017Interactions of Vegetation, Water, and Sediment in Rivers and WetlandsEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology EP023Quantifying Hillslope and Fluvial Processes Through Change Detection Using High-Resolution, Multi-Temporal Topographic DataEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Geodesy (G), Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH) EP024Recent Progress in Understanding Physical and Ecological Effects of Large-Dam RemovalEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology, Nonlinear Geophysics (NG) EP025River BifurcationsEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology, Near Surface Geophysics (NS) EP019Modeling Developments for Sediment Transport and Other Multi-phase Flows: From Steep Upland Regions to Riverine, Estuary, and Coastal EnvironmentsEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH), Ocean Sciences (OS) EP020Natural and Controlled Experiments in Landscape EvolutionEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH), Near Surface Geophysics (NS), Nonlinear Geophysics (NG), Planetary Sciences (P), Tectonophysics (T) EP021Process and Form RevisitedEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH), Nonlinear Geophysics (NG) EP026River Morphodynamics and Channel Patterns: How do River Patterns Come to be Different?Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology EP028Roughness Controls on Landscape Process and FormEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH), Nonlinear Geophysics (NG), Ocean Sciences (OS) EP029Sediment Budget Revisited: The Impact of Mud on Basin FillingEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Ocean Sciences (OS) EP030Sharp LectureEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP) EP033The Future of Human-Landscape SystemsEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Biogeosciences (B), Global Environmental Change (GC), Natural Hazards (NH) EP034The Legacy of Extremes : Floods, Landslides, Earthquakes and Long-Term Landscape EvolutionEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Hydrology, Natural Hazards (NH), Near Surface Geophysics (NS), Nonlinear Geophysics (NG), Tectonophysics (T) EP036Tracers, Transport and Topography: Theory and Technology for Tractive TrackingEarth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)Hydrology H040Advanced Watershed Characterization Using Remote SensingHydrology (H)Biogeosciences (B) H047Remote Sensing of Riverscape TopographyHydrology (H)Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP) H058Complexity, Falsifiability, Transparency, and Uncertainty in Environmental ModelingHydrology (H)Atmospheric Sciences (AS), Biogeosciences (B), Global Environmental Change (GC) Originally posted Jul 28, 2012, 1:38 PM by Joe Wheaton
Hi All, Thanks to each of you for your help on troubleshooting GCD at various points in time. It is really helpful for us. From here on out, as you are using GCD and you encounter difficulty (you will ;)), please post it to the forum (http://forum.bluezone.usu.edu/gcd/)! Don't just send Philip or I an email (you can send us an email with more details and a URL to your post though). Its important that we are more systematically documenting what problems we do have if we are going to truly fix some of these problems. 90% of them turn out to be things with simple work arounds. We know we could do a better job of catching or providing more helpful information in error messages.... it is improving. Also many of the problems you might encounter we may end up posting solutions or work arounds for on the forum or help site. It is much more efficient for us to post the answers once in one place then having a million email threads all over the place. Some things to keep in mind when posting:
Cheers, Joe Originally posted Jul 28, 2012, 11:11 AM by Joe Wheaton
You'll notice on our public ET-AL pages, that we now have new project pages. Please use these to update and disseminate information and put teaser results out. Originally posted Jul 28, 2012, 10:57 AM by Joe Wheaton
John has opened up access to our new ET-AL server we are calling MUD. MUD maybe what the Belmont lab studies and we play with occasional, but Alan has accurately called this Multi-User Data. I think Mundane Useless Details might be appropriate as well, or the overall word may refer to how clear the organization is ;-). Wheaton100 will exist for a while as read-only access, and will retire it once we get everything transferred over correctly. Below is an excerpt of the instructions John emailed us all: To connect to \\etal.nr.usu.edu\mud you will want to update your password for the new file servers. You can update your password at: https://sec.bluezone.usu.edu/ It is OK to use your previous password again for your "new" password, but you need to update them. John Map a Drive: Instructions for mapping a network drive are here: http://wp.bluezone.usu.edu/cts/network-drive/ The drive name for the shared drive is: For a PC: \\etal.nr.usu.edu\mud For a Mac: smb://etal.nr.usu.edu/mud Personal drive name (<login>=jwheaton,kenny, sarab, ryanl,...) For a PC: \\etal.nr.usu.edu\mud\personal\<login> For a Mac: smb://etal.nr.usu.edu/mud/personal/<login> Note: that you will have faster access to your personal drive through \\geo.jql.usu.edu\<login> VPN: To connect to the drive from off campus you will need VPN: http://it.usu.edu/vpn/ Web access: \\etal.nr.usu.edu\mud\personal\<login>\public_html is available via the web at http://www.gis.usu.edu/~<login>/ \\etal.nr.usu.edu\mud\et_al\public_html is available via the web at http://etal.usu.edu/ Coming soon: SFTP access SFTP Software can be downloaded from For a PC: http://www.gis.usu.edu/~jweeks/software/OpenSSH.exe For a PC or Mac: http://cyberduck.ch/ Request a new account Originally posted Feb 29, 2012, 4:47 PM by Joe Wheaton
Originally posted Feb 29, 2012, 4:40 PM by Joe Wheaton
If you want Joe's most recent EndNote Library, you can download it from our server at: \\geo.jql.usu.edu\wheaton100\et_al\NonProject\Literature\Joe - All References-ENX2.enlp I've set it up to automatically update regularly from my computer. Please don't overwrite the version on the server, it will just be overwritten auotmatically by files from my computer. Once you download the library, you will notice it includes PDFs for many of the references. You can import these references (and PDFs) into your own libraries, and then use the 'Search for Duplicates' command in EndNote to remove duplicate entries. Originally posted Feb 16, 2012, 8:32 AM by Joe Wheaton
Originally posted Jan 29, 2011, 5:07 PM by Joseph Wheaton
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